01/18/2024 / By News Editors
Jordan Peterson has been ordered to go re-education training under the auspices of the Ontario College of Psychologists or face the loss of his professional license in Canada. After his appeal was denied, and the final legal avenues were closed to him, he wrote his plans in the National Post.
(Article by Libby Emmons republished from ThePostMillennial.com)
“I think I’ll fight a little longer,” he said. “Bring it on, you bloody pikers: take your next steps, bureaucrats: write me, and tell me how exactly we are to conduct my re-education. I’ll play along, find out exactly what you will do, now that you’ve been emboldened to do whatever it is that the darkest resentful demons lurking in your evil little low-level administrative hearts most truly desire, even to your own detriment.
“I’ll see how burdensome playing your pathetic game becomes, and I will publicize every single bit of it. And, if I get tired of it, which seems highly likely, I’ll hand over the bloody license I am increasingly embarrassed in any case to possess and let you continue journeying oh-so-morally to the dismal, fearful, pessimistic, moralizing, petty, butter-won’t-melt in our mouths hellish straits that you envision as the paradise best fit for your fellow citizens, yourselves and your children.”
He’d previously promised to broadcast a re-education on YouTube.
He also warned Canadians who do not have the same means and options as he does, noting that he is “independently wealthy,” that they will fare far worse than he has under the bureaucratic “minions of the deep state.”
“Canadians,” he said, “mark my words: Your much-vaunted Charter of Rights isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, “>as one of its last remaining signatories has been continually striving to indicate.
“Your right to free speech is essentially non-existent, as evidenced by the court decisions we are now considering. You have almost no real rights to property.
“Your rights to mobility can be taken away without consequence at any moment, as they were very recently.
“You can all-too-easily become the indentured servant of anyone you dare to hire.
“Your tax load is going to continue to increase, and rapidly.
“Your economy is predicted to be the worst performing of any developing country for the next three decades — and that failure will be trumpeted, positively, as the ‘degrowth’ necessary to save the planet (thus so conveniently providing those who, like Trudeau, have no interest in monetary policy to parade their ignorance and Machiavellian idiocy as a positive virtue: “I’m saving the planet” is a get-out-of jail free card for any and all crimes and justification for a grab for power the likes of which we have never seen.
“The failure of my appeal,” he continued, “means that your professionals — engineers, physicians, lawyers and teachers, among others — are now required by administrative fiat to conceal what they really think and believe (which is precisely the truth you most truly need from them) lest they run afoul of the administrative minions who have now been granted full sway over their tongues and pens.”
Further, he said that ” the infringement on your rights — all your rights — can and will be justified by the courts if the action that does so promotes ‘charter values’ guaranteed and promoted nowhere in the fundamental legal structure that makes up Canada — and those have become precisely the diversity, equity, inclusivity, group-rights conceptualization of humanity and vengeful quasi-Marxist but worse victim-victimizer narrative that all goes to make up the progressive ideals of the carnivorous sheep who now rule this sad and blind land.”
Read more at: ThePostMillennial.com
Tagged Under:
big government, Canada, Charter of Rights, collapse, conspiracy, deep state, enslaved, fascism, freedom, indoctrination, insanity, intolerance, jordan peterson, left cult, liberty, Marxism, obey, propaganda, re-education, resist, tyranny
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